10 Must Have House Moving Solutions

10 Must Have House Moving Solutions

Feb 28, 2023 Are you planning to move to a new home? It is a stressful and challenging task that requires time, patience and proper planning. Managing a house move without preparation is hard because you can face multiple issues like damage/loss of belongings, over expenditure, delays, physical injuries etc. Therefore, it isn’t surprising that many people hire professional removalists in Melbourne. They can handle, pack and move your things expertly, helping you save time and reduce moving stress. House moving has many challenges; knowing what solutions can help you overcome them is essential to relocate successfully. Thus, here are ten house-moving solutions you must have. Take a look.

Make a Tight Moving Budget

During a house move, you have to manage ongoing expenses with one-off expenses such as rental bond payments, utility set-up fees, parking permits etc. You can lose track of expenditures and deplete your savings without a tight moving budget. Thus, to avoid financial distress before and after moving, outline expected expenses and also keep aside money for miscellaneous/surprise expenses.

Hire a Good & Affordable Removal Service

Moving house is among the most challenging tasks in your life, and you must get all the help you can get. Hiring professional removalists in Melbourne to pack and move your belongings is a wise and practical solution. Since the professionals have expertise and knowledge, they can speed up the moving process and give you respite from moving stress.

Create a House Moving Checklist

Commonly due to moving stress and the pressure of completing multiple tasks simultaneously, you can forget things and important moving tasks. To avoid this issue, the best solution is to create a house-moving checklist to streamline chores according to importance and urgency. Use a good mobile application to outline tasks, set reminders and share chores. Additionally, the app will help you track progress and get updates to complete moving tasks in time.

Pack an Essentials Moving Bag

Nobody wants to travel and arrive at the new home, regretting they packed items of need in the moving boxes. Therefore, as a solution, pack an individual moving bag to keep essential things. It should have a change of clothes, chargers, toiletries, snacks, medicines, water, keys and other important items you will need during your journey and after reaching the new residence. Note: Keep this bag in your personal vehicle and away from moving boxes to prevent your hired removalists in Melbourne from accidentally loading it on the moving truck.

Get High-grade Moving Boxes for Packing

Packing your belongings in high-grade moving boxes is the best solution to prevent damage or loss of items during handling or transit. Purchase 3-5 ply corrugated moving boxes that are recyclable and reusable. They are sturdy and protect your things from dust, jostling, moisture and other factors. Even reputed removalists in Melbourne use good quality moving boxes to relocate goods safely and securely.

Use Moving Equipment to Move Household Items

If you plan to move your belongings without professional help, use professional moving equipment to prevent injuries and stress. You should get furniture sliders, harnesses, a moving dolly, straps, and other equipment to lift, shift and load/unload moving boxes & bulky items. You can rent these tools from a reliable local shop. Note: If you avail a Melbourne removal service, the removalists will bring moving equipment and boxes.

Book Professionals for House Cleaning

Hiring a professional house cleaning service before or after moving can have many benefits. Some of these advantages are
  • When ending a tenancy, you can get your rental bond back without dispute or deductions.
  • You can increase your home’s selling value if you plan to sell it & move to a new home.
  • You can ensure your new home is clean and sanitary before you move in to minimise the risk of falling sick or triggering new allergies.

Get a Crate When Moving with a Pet

House moves are challenging for pets because they bond with their surroundings, and arriving at an unfamiliar place is daunting. Therefore, ensure to keep your pet in a comfortable crate to make their travel easy and let them have a safe space to relax in the new home. The crate is also a great solution to keep your pet out of harm’s way while your hired removalists in Melbourne move your things or unpack.

Find a Reliable Platform to Compare Removal Quotes

Choosing quality removalists can be challenging because multiple companies offer good removal services in the capital of Victoria. Therefore, to solve this issue, find a good platform to get quotes from reputed removalists in Melbourne and compare them to choose the most affordable professionals. Examples of good quotes comparing websites include Muval, Find a Mover, Sirelo etc.

Ask for Help from Near & Dear Ones

Moving is mentally, physically and emotionally exhausting. Managing it alone is near impossible because you can feel tired, sad, depressed or anxious. To avoid this issue, the best solution is to ask near and dear ones to help with physical tasks or be supportive. Having people to delegate tasks to or simply talk to can make a sea of change.

Wrapping Up

Relocating is never easy, whether you have done it before or doing it for the first time. Therefore, it is never late to know the 10 moving solutions listed above. Use these solutions to move to your new home smoothly. Also, don’t hesitate to take professional help if you cannot cope with moving stress or want to have a hassle-free experience.